Conservation, Ecology and Systematics of Lepidoptera in a changing world

Conservation, Ecology and Systematics of Lepidoptera in a changing world

25 September 2023

Hôtel Dupanloup 1 rue Dupanloup 45000 Orleans France

September 25, 2023 - September 29, 2023

Insect declines are a major cause of public concern. One of the most affected, and sensitive groups for monitoring is Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), which play a major role in the functioning of our ecosystems. They are one of the most important groups of herbivores and pollinators, as well as comprising a vast prey biomass and hosting an extensive specialized web of parasitic Hymenoptera. Being mostly readily visible and intricately patterned, they include the most iconic, charismatic and popular of all invertebrates. Many are model organisms for evolutionary and genetic studies, a few are significant economic pests, and some are vital sources of protein or silk. Understanding their ecology, genetics and systematics is crucial for efficient conservation management to understand and even reverse their decline. 

The conference will bring together world experts to discuss the conservation, ecology and systematics of Lepidoptera. It will be a joint event organized by the Society for European Lepidopterology (SEL) ( and the International Forum Herbulot (FH) (, which organizes a regular conference for the study of looper moths (Geometridae). It is the first time that SEL & FH have organized their biennial conferences together ( 

SEL is a society with 514 members founded in 1976, which promotes the study and conservation of Lepidoptera and publishes the journal Nota Lepidopterologica ( FH is an international research initiative focused on the second largest family, Geometridae or looper moths, a society with approx. 150 members from 42 countries.


  • Dr Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde,
    Forest Zoology Research Unit (URZF)/ Centre INRAe Val de Loire - FR & Insect Biology Research Institute (IRBI), University of Tours / CNRS - FR


Modification date: 28 September 2023 | Publication date: 01 August 2023