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Calls for proposals

Calls for proposals

EntomoCentre will carry out two calls for proposals every year to help funding actions within the framework of its missions.

The calls will be open from May 1st to May 30th for a response in June and from November 1st to November 30th for a response in December (after deliberation by the scientific committee).

The calls will focus on funding activities to support the setting up of international and national projects, to help setting up projects and industrial sectors in the Centre-Val de Loire region.

Information, application procedures and decisions are communicated to all members by e-mail.

Funding is granted under the following conditions:

  • The winners undertake to provide a financial and a scientific report on the execution of the work.
  • The laureates undertake to use the EntomoCentre logo on all productions supported by the network.
  • The laureates commit themselves to dessiminate on the actions or the progress of the projects during the annual Scientific Day of EntomoCentre.