boxwood moth caterpillar, INRA
Translation of the film "Un passager clandestin venu d'orient"

Translation of the film "Un passager clandestin venu d'orient"

Description of the lightning invasion of the box moth, a species of butterfly that poses a threat to native buxus trees and formal gardens.

Originally from Asia, the box tree borer was first observed in Europe in 2007. Since then, it has colonized a large part of the European continent. This butterfly species poses a threat to native buxus trees and French gardens. The film presents the moth's entire life cycle, as well as some of its predators: titmice, spiders, trichogramma... Presented for the first time publicly on October 16, 2018 at a symposium in Tours, this film directed by Yves Lanceau was co-financed by the Centre-Val de Loire Region and Inra as part of a research project of regional interest INCA, coordinated by the Orléans forest zoology research unit of the Inra Val-de-Loire center.
The translation of the film into English has received the support of EntomoCentre in 2019, with the aim of distributing it beyond French-speaking borders.
The film will compete at international festivals in 2021!