photo insect bedbug ; Jean-David CHAPELIN-VISCARDI
Book on bedbugs in the Loiret

Book on bedbugs in the Loiret

par Jean-David CHAPELIN-VISCARDI, Michel BINON, Jean-Claude GAGNEPAIN et Julie LEROY. Co-published by Revue L'Entomologiste and the Société pour le Muséum d'Orléans et les Sciences (So.MOS). Published in 2020.

We've heard of green bugs, devil bugs and bedbugs, but what about the local fauna?
The book "Les punaises du Loiret" presents general information on the biology of bedbugs, in particular the Pentatomoid group, and provides information on the species present in the département (ecology, period of activity, known distribution, etc.).
For further information  : L'entomologiste

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